Our Team

Tim Schrunk


Tim is a devoted pastor with a warm heart for people and his surroundings. He has come to our church teaching the word of the Lord Jesus Christ through the Bible. Tim has a passion for fellowship and making us all better in the eyes of God.

Arlene Ramp

Council Chairman and Chairman of the Deaconate

Arlene has a great love of the word of God and shares it weekly with a women’s group during study. She is also committed to keeping record of the church minutes and activities in the church.

Amy Milton

Co Chairman of Council and Chairman of Trustees

Amy a trustworthy servant of the church and has helped out in many aspects through the years. She is dedicated to making improvements in our church while keeping an eye on the finances.

Open Position

Tammi Steyer


Tammi is a very detailed person whom takes care of all of the financial needs of the trustees providing them with detailed reports and a good understanding of what is going on with our finances.

Shirley Milton and Paul Ramp

Music Department

Together these two keep the church uplifted with their gift of musical talent every Sunday and on special occassions.

Contact Us

Find us at the church
639 2nd St., Friend, NE 68359
Give us a call
Pastor Tim Schrunk
Church: 402-947-5491
Cell phone: 402-418-1378
Email us
Find us on facebook
Friend Congregational Church

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